Membership Categories

The Institute has the following seven classes of membership:

Corporate/Institutional Membership
Institutions That Are Offering Human Resource Management Courses And Corporate Bodies With Human Resource Departments Are Required To Register With ZIHRM.

Student Member (STUZIHRM)
Students pursuing certificate/diploma/degree courses in HRM or equivalent discipline at any credible college or university are eligible to become members of the institute.

Affiliate Member (AFZIHRM)
One must have a diploma/degree in any social science; inclusive of an HRM course. An affiliate member will only qualify to upgrade to associate membership after three (3) years.

Associate Member (ASZIHRM)
One must have a diploma/degree in any social science; inclusive of an HRM course and must have served as affiliate member for three (3) years.

Full Member (MZIHRM)
One must have a degree in Human Resource Management or any other Social Science discipline and must have been an Associate Member for at least three (3) years.

Fellow (FZIHRM)
This is available by approval of full Council sitting. One must have been a full member for about three years (3) to four years (4) and must have written some articles or carried out research on Human Resource Management for a substantial period. He/she must be a first degree or master’s degree holder. A member must also be able to demonstrate ten (10) years or more Human Resource Management experience at Senior Management level.

Honorary Fellow (HFZIHRM)
Honorary Fellowship may be conferred by the Council to a member or other person having special qualifications, experience or for outstanding service as may from time to time be laid down by the Council and approved by the Institute’s General Meeting. To be considered as an Honorary Fellow, a member (or other person) should have made significant contribution to the growth, practice, training, research and consultancy in the field of Human Resources Management in Zambia.

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